Saturday 20 October 2007


By popular demand SIOE is now introducing membership as well as a way for people to make donations.

SIOE’s founders knew that action against Islamism was what people are not only wanting, but also willing to carry out.

Despite the setbacks and sabotage, ‘Brussels 9/11’ was a momentous event and the tide turned against the Islamisation Of Europe that day and the sand castle of Kalifascism is crumbling before the unstoppable tsunami of democracy.

Dhimmitude is dead!

Oppression is over with!

Freedom marches forward!

So join the cause and donate to the cause to Stop Islamisation Of Europe!

You can pay via banktransfer or Paypal.

Membership one year: 24 Euros (that is 2 euros a month, but must be payed on a yearly basis) Write a mail to with your name, adress and phone number and/or e-mail

Donation: minimum 25 euros. (possibility of anonymity)

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